From Cover to Cover’s Favorite Comics of 2023 James, Mike and Scott take a look at our favorite comics of 2023.
Daniel Warren Johnson Gets To Play With Some Cool Toys in Transformers #1 This issue functions not as a reimagining of the Transformers story but as a reestablishing of it.
The Kids Aren’t Alright in Kyoko Okazaki's River’s How can you have compassion for other people when you have none for yourself?
The American Dream at the End of Old Hollywood in Sammy Harkham’s Blood of the Virgin Seymour seems to be searching for something but if you asked him, I don’t know if he would be able to articulate what it is.
Doctor Strange: Fall Sunrise by Tradd Moore and Heather Moore Tradd Moore has synthesized the vocabulary of Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko with Mike Mignola and Jim Woodring’s sense of time, space, and movement..
Too Cute to Be Scary or Too Scary to be Cute?— Jay Stephens’ Dwellings #1 Somehow, these stories manage to be disturbingly dark but adorably cute.