We Tweet So You Don't Have To
This week's featured reviews of recent comics by Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Francis Manapul, Brian Buccalleto, Hayden Sherman, and Yourei Ono.

As we were preparing to launch the site over the past few weeks, we took to the FC2C Twitter page (@FromCovToCov– follow n0w!) and have been doing some different types of reviews of books there. Scott played around with a format where a review had to fit into a single screenshot of his phone and Mike did a thread on a new manga that he enjoyed.
We hope to be doing this regularly on Twitter so if you didn't get the message earlier, follow us over there.
Catching up on our Twitter reviews here's the 4 books that we've been looking at over there:
Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's We Have Demons
Brian Buccalleto and Hayden Sherman's Chicken Devil
Yourei Ono's Hard-Boiled Stories from the Cat Bar
Scott Snyder and Francis Manapul's Clear
We’re a few weeks away from launching the site but that doesn’t mean that we’re not reading and thinking about comics. So @scottcederlund is going to do screenshot reviews, starting with the new Snyder/Capullo joint We Have Demons. pic.twitter.com/MuLainFBAk
— From Cover To Cover (@FromCovToCov) October 7, 2021
In our latest Twitter review, @scottcederlund takes a brief dive into the "uneasy breeziness" of @brianbooch, @Cleanlined and @HassanOE fun first issue of Chicken Devil, now out from @AfterShockComix. pic.twitter.com/WfiAEB6mk4
— From Cover To Cover (@FromCovToCov) October 10, 2021
Almost two weeks to site launch, and @mikemcbax is chomping at the bit.
— From Cover To Cover (@FromCovToCov) October 16, 2021
Hard-Boiled Stories from the Cat Bar, a thread 🧵 @yenpress
1/ pic.twitter.com/COobpfjTM2
We're back with another single screenshot review. @ScottCederlund takes a look at @Ssnyder1835 and @FrancisManapul's new Clear #1, now available on @comixology. pic.twitter.com/SeDgwrFtJE
— From Cover To Cover (@FromCovToCov) October 17, 2021
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