It's the End of the World-- a look at Naoki Urasawa's 20th Century Boys It’s weirdly prophetic to read 20th Century Boys in 2024, looking back on the last decade and wondering how we missed Urasawa’s possible warning of all of this.
5 Things To Read the Week- Aug 27th, 2022 Our weekly link post, covering writing about Marvel Fun and Games, Nick Drnaso's Acting Class, Naoki Urasawa's Master Keaton, Tom King's Batman and the 50th anniversary of Funky Winkerbean.
This Week in Comics Journalism - January 8, 2022 Remember when the start of the year was a "slow news week?" Yeah, we don't either. Here's a selection of what we found interesting in the last week.
#screenshotreviews- What's The Furthest Place From Here #2, Rorschach, and Asadora V4 Check out our capsule reviews of Tyler Boss and Matthew Rosenberg's What's The Furthest Place From Here #2, Naoki Urasawa's Asadora! Volume 4, and Tom King and Jorge Fornés Rorschach.