One Last Dose of Joe Matt’s Self-Deprecating Humor in Peepshow #15 Joe Matt is the target of the ridicule and jokes but he’s also the one telling the jokes.
The Kids Aren’t Alright in Kyoko Okazaki's River’s How can you have compassion for other people when you have none for yourself?
“… So Film Me Until My Dying Breath.”- Goodbye, Eri by Tatsuki Fujimoto Whether it’s to protect himself or his characters, Tatskuki Fujimoto sets up this distance, holding his audience back from being there with these two.
The Gull Yettin is a Minimalist Masterpiece Form is at the heart of Kessler’s art. As free-flowing, and perhaps occasionally haphazard as it might seem on first blush, it is ultimately an exercise in precision.
Welcome to the Party in Julie Doucet's Time Zone J Julie Doucet's time away from comics has given her the freedom to just jump back into their creation, rewriting the rules about how she’s going to tell her story.
Teenage Boredom in R. Kikou Johnson's Night Fisher Johnson’s story of Loren’s “lost” senior year, marked by drug use and criminality, shows a kid who isn’t bad but just looking for something to fill a void. With no personally-held goals, the influence of other people gives Loren something to do other than school and yard work.
Cease the Means of Production - The First Issue of Juni Ba's Monkey Meat Juni Ba questions both how much we are being manipulated, but also how willing we are to allow ourselves to be manipulated. This worldview is what makes his satire that biting