The Maximalist Storytelling in Alex Ross' Fantastic Four: Full Circle It’s like Alex Ross had a homework assignment— create your own Lee/Kirby Fantastic Four story.
#screenshot reviews- Dune Book 2 & Parker Girls #1 Check out our capsule reviews of Dune The Graphic Novel Book 2 and Parker Girls #1
Simpsons Comics Return with Treehouse of Horror Ominous Omnibus Volume 1 - Scary Tales and Scarier Tentacles Simpsons Comics have never had more than a paperback collection, and it's fulfilling to see the comics celebrated in such a loving way.
Overanalyzing the Overexamined Life - Pausing for Grant Snider's The Art of Living As impressed as I am about the way Snider manages to refine certain elements of his cartooning while maintaining his core minimalism, it’s the philosophy at the center of the book that requires examination.
The Poetry of Nate Powell's *Save It For Later* But the soul of the book is the splash pages, where Powell's words fall effortlessly down the page and the art mesmerizes the reader into contemplation.